This 501c3 Nonprofit was created in 2014 to give refuge to abused, handicapped and senior dogs. To begin this venture we bought a 10 Acre farm and named it Le Château de Chien. The intent was to hold farm weddings to fund the shelter. Sadly the neighbors complained to the county and we were told we needed a variance to hold weddings and the neighbors voted against our request. This left us scrambling to find alternative ways of funding. Our daughter mentioned Airbnb and we joined. To our amazement we received SuperHost status our first year and have maintained that designation to present. Our Airbnb is seasonal. People love to come here because they can bring their dogs and hike the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. We are solely dependant on the funds from Airbnb and the Experiences that people can book to fund our shelter. Since the beginning of the Covid 19 Pandemic our Airbnb has suffered. We are in dire need of funds to feed, get veterinary care and cleaning supplies. We continue to request donations to care for our current 16 dogs and 2 cats.
It takes a village and the town of Chesterton Indiana and the Porter County Government has failed us. Please help today. To read about our Dog Hospice https://petitetresorsrescue.com/contact
I am excited to announce the launch of my book “How Rainbow Riley Got Her Name”. Entirely written in prose, with over 90 pictures, the story was written to follow the journey of a young couple as they wish more than anything to have a child to share their love and the heartbreak of miscarriage they endure before ultimately realizing their dream. The story is one of whimsy and fantasy, created to read to young children who are not reading yet, but perhaps were told they would be a big brother or sister. It speaks of hope and opens the door to start a conversation about a subject most find too difficult to broach, however, needs to be acknowledged so all impacted may heal. I hope all who resonate with this message will share this book with anyone who needs to know that, it is okay, to share the desire, loss, grief and joy of life. https://www.balboapress.com/en/bookstore

#Birth #miscarriageawareness #miscarriagesupport #grief #joy #rainbowbaby #children #books #gifts #share #fantasy #whimsy #pictures #love #babies #heartbreak #help #babyshower #maternity #pregnancy #loss